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III- The Empress

Associated Astrology: Venus

Key words: Creativity, Earthiness, Fertility, Motherhood, Sensuality, Abundance, Beauty, Care, Conception, Process, Growth, Gaia, Divine Feminine

"At the end of the day, Mother Nature has only one question for us: 'What life did you nurture today?' " - Robert Brault

Welcome to the nurturing Empress Card. This card is a sensory celebration of the natural world and teems with variety. Her message is about creative abundance and as a result she is one of the most prevalent archetypes in mythology. From the goddess Lakshmi in India to Gaia in Greece and Pachamama in Native America, she is known by many names. This is fitting for a figure whose domain includes all animals, all plants and all environments. Like all mothers, she truly has her hands full!


Due to her mothering connotations, The Empress can indicate a pregnancy or a birth, and if attempting to conceive she is a great omen - 'fertile' could be her middle name! If you are already a mother, she is identifying a renewal in how you perceive the role of motherhood. Maybe you need time off from a mothering role. Or you need to reengage in a healthy connecting with your children. She can also indicate a focus on your relationship with your own mother. As always, surrounding cards will help you nail down the specifics of her various mothering roles.


However, like every mother, the Empress is far more than just her maternal job description. Her message covers the concept of the divine feminine principle, and to those who see themselves on a twin flame journey, this card indicates the feminine twin. The masculine twin is indicated by The Emperor.


As an immensely creative figure, The Empress asks if you are making time for creative endeavours. If you are involved in any form of artist pursuit or would like to be, then this is the energy that reinvigorates inspiration. Write that book, sign up to that pottery class, take those photos, bake that cake, paint that picture or dance, sing and act. The Empress is all about expression through celebratory means. She can also indicate acquiring knowledge in the fields of natural medicine, spiritual healing, teaching, environment and any kind of compassionate work. As the emblem of Gaia, no shaman in the world would be without her.


The Empress encourages embracing nature and not just in a picture postcard sense. She is untamed and sensual, as all her energy comes from the environment. She is asking that you become mindful of the senses and open to the untamed beauty of life, not just visually, but with touch, taste, scent and sound also.


If your moods are too changeable and your energy levels are low, then embrace her tenderness with rejuvenation. Let her delight you with a spa trip, or an outdoor performance. If energy levels are vigorous, then throw yourself into redesigning your new garden or perhaps going for a surf. Whatever floats your Empress boat!


This is an ideal time to play with and admire any of the other incredible animal species we happen to share this incredible planet with. Take note of messages coming from Spirit via animals or children. Joy is so prevalent in this card and the Empress is moved to nurture, as she gets great fulfilment in sharing her love. The more you appreciate the abundance surrounding you the more the abundance can be shared with you.


Male or female, this card asks you to embrace the concept of wealth in all forms. If scarcity is an issue, make a list of the areas of your life that you are rich in i.e. health, friendship, partnership, humour, family, talent or beauty. Take a moment to focus on them and feel grateful. Gratitude is the key to abundance, and it helps us to connect with the moment too.


Throw your arms around the physical world and The Empress. You are the proverbial child she is carrying and she can barely wait to connect with you and watch you thrive.

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