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Associated Astrology: Pluto

Key words: Forgiveness, Release, Karma, Transformation, Truth, Realisation, Discomfort, New awareness of previous conditioning, Acceptance, Memory.

"We know enough to stand here in truth...Before the judgment of our own conscience" - Aleksander Kwasniewski

Welcome to the Judgement Card. This card is representative of the Biblical day of Judgement and often symbolises an awakening within us, as if we had heard the trumpet of Gabriel himself, sounding out a new truth.

This truth usually comes upon us in the form of a sudden realisation that is not necessarily easy to accept. It is, however, undeniable.

It can be a recognition of powerful feelings for another, a knowledge of how we are required to be responsible for our past actions, or a need for absolution and new found humility. Maybe we owe someone an apology or a reassessment at the very least.

Whatever the vehicle, a definite releasing is required. Often we need to let go of something we have trained ourselves to believe or see in a certain light. But the truth is now as bold as a giant angel making a great deal of magical noise!

Resist the forces that send this message and you will feel the repercussions... This experience can be hard indeed if met with rigidity. See it as a ride in a hot air balloon. You are airbound but are coming to a point where you need to throw a few things overboard in order to clear the treetops and head for the skies!

The quicker we accept our new information, the quicker we get to benefit from it. We will be free of our previously restrictive viewpoint.

So, admit to what needs admission, accept what needs acceptance and in so doing, lighten the load. Then you can get to the real message of this card: Forgiveness - of yourself and of others. That is truly 'letting go' in tarot terms. It is the wisest of all judgements to forgive and move on. This doesn't necessarily mean physically reconnecting with those in our past. Rather, it is a change in mental attitude that is required.

We turn our process over to the hands of Fate once we see that no matter how much control we believe we have, we are always ultimately in the hands of more powerful forces. These forces can interrupt us any time they see fit!


The famous tarot practisioner, Alistair Crowley, renamed this card The Aeon. It symbolised to him an entirely new era being ushered in. That is the power of the message. What is released, even if it appears overwhelming, will move us into a whole new phase of our existence and lighten our load exponentially.

It's recommended that we hand over the steering wheel to Truth, foster our humility, and act in a deserving fashion of being her passenger.

Let's face it, Truth is a much better driver than we are.

Thank god eh?! ;-)

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