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VI- The Lovers

Associated Astrology: Gemini

Key words: Choices, Conscience, Duality, Partnerships, Attraction, Head versus Heart, Curiousity, Seduction, Freedom, Principles & Values, Expansion

"Your whole life is a continuum of choices, so the more conscious you are, the greater your life will be" - Deepak Chopra

Welcome to the crossroads of the Lovers Card. Why crossroads? Well, because the significance of choice is paramount to this card. Some say ignorance is bliss, but ignorance is not an option in this card! You are wide awake and engaged with the delicious promise of life.


The association of this card with Adam and Eve is no accident. However, I would say its interpretation is different in tone from the familiar Christian version. In my view the tarot has more parallel with early gnostic Christianity than the more recent teachings of today. Either way, this card indicates a new moral landscape is be coming into view.


The knowledge from the tree is representative of a conscious awakening, almost as if its fruit were a psychedelic substance, and we have been put in touch with an expansive and connected vision of reality. Falling in love naturally instils this experience. Yet, love under this influence is far more than romantic attachment. It strikes at the heart of our spiritual outlook - it's a broad and infinite concept. Love is the essence of Spirit. This is important, but not nearly as important as what we choose to do with this insight.


Often this card arrives when we face making a decision in love, or a choice that could change our trajectory. We are being asked to carefully consider if the decisions we are drawn to are in alignment with our values and our principles. It is not that we are confused about our version of right and wrong. On the contrary, we are at least momentarily enlightened. However, we may well be sorely tempted to ignore this awareness! Desire can be strong under this influence, and our ego may be wriggling like the proverbial snake, encouraging us not to think too closely about making a seemingly easy call.


The Lovers asks 'What driving force lies behind our choices?' If it is the relinquishment of our responsibility to ourselves and therefore to others, then the fruit we are desiring may not be as sweet as it looks. We will in fact lose more than we gain in accordance with the laws of Karma. Those laws are set in motion by our own conscience and not by a higher force that seeks to punish our transgressions. Yet, this is how it may feel to us further down the road, when our questionable decisions could eventually lead to the addictive entrapment of The Devil card. it's no accident that the Devil is depicted as a dark mirror of the Lovers card.


If, on the other hand, our conscience is in alignment with the choices we look to make, then we are swimming with the great flow of Spirit, and the choices we make now will nourish and support our future journey. It will assist in the growth of our character and deepen our understanding of love as a non-judgmental but vigilant force. Love is principled by its very nature (See Strength card). Choices made with the higher self have the capacity to balance the dual elements of conscious rational thought and emotive intuition. We are in danger of unbalancing every aspect of our life if we do not make choices guided by our conscience. Conscience is the voice of Spirit. The snake is either medicinal, transformational, sacred and intelligent, or it is tempting, disguised and ultimately destructive. In the realm of tarot, you get to decide which version you choose to embrace.


If faced with indecision, all we need to ask is "What would Love do?".


Remember that love is much larger than desire. Love gifts us true wisdom, celebrates self-sovereignty and allows our autonomy to the degree that the repercussions are entirely in keeping with what we need to learn. Love does not pressure, but allows us time to consider our options.  Decisions of real import are worth real contemplation.


So step forward in confident awareness, supported by your idea of love, and truly enjoy your Eden for all its bountiful and delicious life experience. For you are the one who has opened your eyes, and Life has rewarded you by meeting your gaze with an inspirational view.

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